Exercise: Understanding Line Focus

People adjust the orientation of their body throughout the day. Think about the various circumstances and situations that you might encounter that compel you to position your body in a particular orientation. What do you turn your Line Focus toward, and what do you turn your Line Focus away from? You may be unaware of how you use your Line Focus, or you might already be purposeful about it. Either way, begin to pay attention to your Line Focus patterns in the context of the new vocabulary and ideas from this Lesson. 

You may be a person that naturally uses Line Focus to engage, shifting toward people or activities. Observe the times when you break from that pattern. You may listen or look to engage and not turn your attention toward people or activities with your Line Focus. 

Observe the use of Line Focus in other people. Begin to observe how the Line Focus of the torso cues others to understand the degree of the person’s engagement or how a shift in the person’s Line Focus can redirect their communication partner’s attention toward another person or place in space.People adjust the orientation of their body throughout the day. Think about the various circumstances and situations that you might encounter that compel you to position your body in a particular orientation. What do you turn your Line Focus toward, and what do you turn your Line Focus away from? You may be unaware of how you use your Line Focus, or you might already be purposeful about it. Either way, begin to pay attention to your Line Focus patterns in the context of the new vocabulary and ideas from this Lesson. 
You may be a person that naturally uses Line Focus to engage, shifting toward people or activities. Observe the times when you break from that pattern. You may listen or look to engage and not turn your attention toward people or activities with your Line Focus. 
Observe the use of Line Focus in other people. Begin to observe how the Line Focus of the torso cues others to understand the degree of the person’s engagement or how a shift in the person’s Line Focus can redirect their communication partner’s attention toward another person or place in space.   

Learner Milestones


  • Understand how Line Focus impacts communication
  • Self-determine your Line Focus preferences

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  1. Introduction
    11 Topics
  2. The Breath-Thought Connection
    8 Topics
  3. Physical Orientation
    16 Topics
  4. Frame and Stance
    12 Topics

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