Reflect upon how your communication changes when you do not have Line Focus connections with others, or your audience. Are you more comfortable interacting with someone in a side-by-side positioning? Do you naturally shift into a Quarter Turn towards others even in a shoulder-to-shoulder seated arrangement? Remember that the Emotional Center is also disengaged in a Profile orientation.Â
Becoming curious about the relationship between what you turn toward with your Line Focus and what you turn away from can be revealing about what may be bubbling under the surface of your feelings. If you are a person that finds Full Front and Quarter Turn to still be too much exposure, especially in front of an audience, you can employ a Profile position as a strategy to gain control over interrupted feelings or nerves and to regain control over thoughts.Â
Turn your Line Focus a few degrees beyond a Quarter Turn and away from your communication partner, somewhere in between Profile and Quarter Turn. In a presentation situation, you want to maintain an audience connection. Positioned in Profile, put all your weight on a forward footing or lean forward with your torso to indicate to your audience that you were still engaged with them. This strategy provides you the agency in adapting to intimidating and difficult situations and supplies the image of a confident and connected communicator to your audience. At times, limiting your Line Focus during a conversation can be a strategy for concentrating more on your content, but if limiting your line focus is what you prefer, you may want to shift back into Quarter Turn occasionally to maintain a connection with your communication partner.
Learner Milestones
- Understand that Profile removes Line Focus connection
- Employ Profile as a strategic orientation for minimizing the involvement of the Emotional Center
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Foundation Course
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Introduction11 Topics
What is Strategic Communication?
Exercise: What is Strategic Communication?
Foundation Course Pre Survey
Why Does it Matter?
Exercise: Why Does it Matter?
How Does it Work?
Exercise: How Does it Work?
What Makes it Mine?
Exercise: What Makes it Mine?
Understanding Fundamental Skills
Exercise: Understanding Fundamental Skills
What is Strategic Communication?
The Breath-Thought Connection8 Topics
Physical Orientation16 Topics
The Emotional Center
Exercise: The Emotional Center
Understanding Line Focus
Exercise: Understanding Line Focus
Understanding Physical Orientation
Exercise: Understanding Physical Orientation
Understanding Full Front
Exercise: Understanding Full Front
Understanding Quarter Turn
Exercise: Understanding Quarter Turn
Understanding Profile
Exercise: Understanding Profile
Understanding Three-Quarter Turn
Exercise: Understanding Three-Quarter Turn
Using Full Back
Exercise: Using Full Back
The Emotional Center
Frame and Stance12 Topics
Understanding Counterbalance
Exercise: Understanding Counterbalance
Understanding Frame and Stance
Exercise: Understanding Frame and Stance
Finding a Ready Position
Exercise: Finding a Ready Position
Creating a Listening Body
Exercise: Creating a Listening Body
Stance, Symmetry, and Weight
Exercise: Stance, Symmetry, and Weight
The Base to Gesture Relationship
Exercise: The Base to Gesture Relationship
Understanding Counterbalance