Observing how you employ a Three-Quarter Turn throughout your day may revolve around the practicality of your job, be dictated by the limitations of the room or architecture, or maybe your natural or deliberate orientation. During everyday interactions, reflect upon times when you are busy or preoccupied and someone is requesting your attention. If you are a person who is reluctant to completely disengage from your activity to engage with another person, you may employ a Three Quarter Turn. Three-Quarter Turn sends the message that you are unavailable even if you provide Eye Focus or engage verbally. That being said, your communication partner or audience will sense that the opportunity for verbal exchange is still available. A Three-Quarter Turn orientation during a presentation with the bulk of your line Focus directed toward a display, exhibit, or person, cues your audience to pay more attention to the object or person your Line Focus is favoring. Remember your orientation is a powerful tool for directing audience attention. That makes Three-Quarter Turn a valuable orientation for situations in which you don’t wish to be the center of attention but you are obligated to verbally explain features, facts, or provide instruction.
Are you a person that has a difficult time disengaging from an interaction? You can begin to practice shifting your Line Focus to Profile and then to Three-Quarter Turn when you need to disengage. Paired with words such as “I am so sorry. I have to go to my appointment now”, a Line Focus denial affirms that you truly do need to be going. In contrast, if you stay in a Full Front or Quarter-Turn orientation, your Line Focus sends a message of continued engagement. Your communication partner will most likely not release their Focus request. That means you’re going to be late to that appointment. So, remember shifting into orientations that limit or deny Line Focus can be a strategy that lets your body say the message when your words fail you.
Learner Milestones
- Understand that Three-Quarter Turn cues unavailability
- Realize that Three-Quarter Turn is also a focus-directing tool
- Employ a Three-Quarter Turn as an effective disengagement tool
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Foundation Course
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Introduction11 Topics
What is Strategic Communication?
Exercise: What is Strategic Communication?
Foundation Course Pre Survey
Why Does it Matter?
Exercise: Why Does it Matter?
How Does it Work?
Exercise: How Does it Work?
What Makes it Mine?
Exercise: What Makes it Mine?
Understanding Fundamental Skills
Exercise: Understanding Fundamental Skills
What is Strategic Communication?
The Breath-Thought Connection8 Topics
Physical Orientation16 Topics
The Emotional Center
Exercise: The Emotional Center
Understanding Line Focus
Exercise: Understanding Line Focus
Understanding Physical Orientation
Exercise: Understanding Physical Orientation
Understanding Full Front
Exercise: Understanding Full Front
Understanding Quarter Turn
Exercise: Understanding Quarter Turn
Understanding Profile
Exercise: Understanding Profile
Understanding Three-Quarter Turn
Exercise: Understanding Three-Quarter Turn
Using Full Back
Exercise: Using Full Back
The Emotional Center
Frame and Stance12 Topics
Understanding Counterbalance
Exercise: Understanding Counterbalance
Understanding Frame and Stance
Exercise: Understanding Frame and Stance
Finding a Ready Position
Exercise: Finding a Ready Position
Creating a Listening Body
Exercise: Creating a Listening Body
Stance, Symmetry, and Weight
Exercise: Stance, Symmetry, and Weight
The Base to Gesture Relationship
Exercise: The Base to Gesture Relationship
Understanding Counterbalance