Exercise: Finding Diaphragmatic Breath

Practice the 3-step breathing exercise so it becomes an accessible and available pattern.

Once you have taken the exercise through a few repetitions, think of activities that require breathing patterns.

You might imagine playing an instrument, singing, meditating, swimming, scuba diving, yoga, weight-lifting, etc.

Now consider simple breathing patterns in use while working at your device, taking a walk, watching a movie, or doing yard work. These breath actions are an accepted part of our daily experience, and with the exception of singing, we are generally not thinking about connecting our breathing patterns to communicating ideas or thoughts out loud. 

Just as we would to succeed in some of these activities, over the course of this Lesson, we are going to employ diaphragmatic breath as our default breathing pattern for everyday speech.

That’s important because when you engage the Breath-Thought Connection in a presentation, you will benefit from a directive thought process that will result in clearer communications.

Learner Milestones

  • Employ diaphragmatically supported breathing patterns in everyday interactions
  • Understand the importance of breathwork for presentation and speech


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Foundation Course

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Introduction
    11 Topics
    4 Quizzes
  2. The Breath-Thought Connection
    8 Topics
    4 Quizzes
  3. Physical Orientation
    16 Topics
    8 Quizzes
  4. Frame and Stance
    12 Topics
    6 Quizzes

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